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Tapping utilizes ancient Chinese acupressure points on the body to release and shift energy and states. It can be used for almost anything, including but not limited to: weight loss, anxious feelings, fear, self doubt, money mindset, better sleep, pain management and more! 

Custom Tapping 

Scripted Video on Your Preferred Topic

Order Your Custom Tapping Video Now

Bonus Subliminal Track Included - all for $33
Keep an eye on your email & celebrate yourself!

Subliminal Tracks

Use anywhere, anytime

High Vibe Date

Track Length: 1 hour
Take yourself on the date you've always wanted by dropping into respect, love, boundaries, open communication & receiving the truth that you are worthy as you are.

Getting Intimate with Abundance

Track Length: 1 hour 
Taking on the overflow & abundance that so easily comes to you. Better yet, becoming unapologetic about owning your worth & receiving even more.

Flirting with Confidence

Track Length: 1 hour
Create confidence easily & effortlessly with this 1 hour subliminal, it's not playing hard to get, we just need to open you up to the allowing it. 


Breaking Up with

Track Length: 2 hours 
Breakups are hard, which is why there's an extra hour of releasing the stress, shame & guilt to shift into our compassion, self care & liberation from the hustle & grind.

Love Affair with my Bed

Track Length: 2 hours
Your subliminal escape to the love affair with your bed. Filled with deep sleep affirmations to help you into a dreamy getaway and rejuvenating slumber.

Falling in Love with

My Power

Track Length: 1 hour 
Embracing the power that lives within you, it's the love we've always wanted. Now, you're ready to claim it & refuse to shy away from yourself any longer. You are powerful
beyond measure.

One Topic Per Purchase. No refunds or credits for purchases.

By purchasing you are opting into receiving emails related to this offer from Wild Hearts Movement.

Tracks can not be redistributed to parties who did not purchase or received the bundle as a gift.

Tracks should not be copied for additional use, reselling, or ownership. 
If you need help or have any questions, contact me at

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