Hello babe! I'm
Kaila here, it’s like Kayla, but you know, different. I am your self love & embodiment guide and I want to see you grow into the person we both know you are capable of becoming.
Kaila Bayes
I have a passion for building deep connections with people, diving into the subconscious mind and have received training through an internationally board recognized program to bring you the best tools to help you on your journey and for my own personal growth!
Ever since I was little, I remember when people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say, “I just want to help people”. Cute, but ultimately led me down a path of people pleasing, lack of boundaries and the consistent pattern of putting myself on the backburner to help others first.
Needless to say, I didn’t get here by continuing those patterns. I got here because I chose to stop convincing myself that things were going to be okay and I started taking action in my life to build the life I wanted. I’m ready to help you do the same to become #alignedAF.
There’s nothing to fear from looking inside. There’s nothing to fear from turning within.
Derek Walcott, “Love after Love”
glow up story
Let's talk my
Where to even start… I started my corporate career out of college and like many, learned to embrace the challenge, politics and shenanigans of corporate life. In the first four years of my career, I was killing myself. Working 12 hour days, constantly stress dreaming about work, drinking or smoking to cope with even the smallest irritations. For what? 3 weeks of vacation and a promotion, maybe?
As a recovering people pleaser, I can now acknowledge that I did a lot of that to myself. It took a DUI for me to reprioritize my life, to learn to set boundaries, to realize...I couldn’t do it all on my own and what I had been doing was NOT cutting it. I hope for you that it doesn’t take something that traumatic to see that you are worthy of more.
I kept my job, even got promoted later that year, but more importantly, I started therapy, my journey into sobriety, I cut the bullshit and started getting real about healing my childhood fears of abandonment and rejection. Most importantly, I consciously made a choice to choose me, love me, heal me, take care of me, because I still wanted to help others and contribute to the world in a positive way deep down to my core.
Within my first year of sobriety, I became a certified yoga instructor. I started to nourish my body and truly appreciate all it does for me through nutrition and movement. Bridging the healing of my mind with proper nutrition and movement lit a fire under me to do more for myself.
Within my second year, I started working with a life coach myself, something I had always had interest in, but was also slightly skeptical of - because, well, how do I know it will help if they’re not a psychologist or “trained to a level of my understanding”? It’s bullshit, I know, but I didn’t let fear stop me. That was a year of yes for me, a year to embrace anything and everything that could help me grow because I wanted growth and let me tell you, I regret nothing.
Since then, I’ve received an additional Yoga certification in Yin Yoga, survived the pandemic year of 2020, became a pole instructor to help others fall in love with their body’s and feel comfortable in their own skin #empoweringAF and became a certified self love coach myself, because this ish is too good to not share with you.
If you've come this far, you must be ready to stop putting yourself on the back burner & start building the life of your dreams.
I started Wild Hearts Movement because I was tired of being put in a box and having someone else tell me who I should be, how I should act and what I should be doing. I believe we are all people of many facets, just because I teach yoga doesn’t mean I can’t say fuck and just because I have a corporate job, doesn’t mean I can’t teach pole classes in my spare time.
We are humans, brilliant, fun, sensual, genuine, loving beings who are capable of living the life we want in the most authentic way, but we must first make that choice. My heart is wild with passion, love, creativity, logic, analysis and impulsiveness, I have chosen to accept all that I am, heal through all that has pained me and I am here to help you embrace your wild heart too. It’s time for the movement to begin!